Photography Camp
Day Subject Topic Details Place Assignments
1 Basics of Photography Know your camera

Exposure Triangle-Aperture, Shutter & ISO

Master Light-Understanding photography in Natural Light

Use of Metering Mode and Other modes-Aperture Mode, Shutter Mode and Manual Mode

Composition, Framing, Depth of Field and Rule of Thirds

Picture Visualization

Campsite and buffer forest
2 Amateur Photographer Right way to hold your camera

Use of Accessories-Tripods and Monopods

Basics of Bird Photography

Practical Assignment-I

motion/still photography

Travel Photography in natural light

Tips on keeping camera dirt free+How to clean DSLR Lens

Basics of Landscape Photography

Practical Assignment-II


Kishanpur Range


Sharda River bed

Camp Fire

Bird Photography

Landscape Photography

3 Skilled Photographer Introduction to White Balance

Documentation of Flora, Insects and Butterflies

Basic of Street Photography

Basics of Architectural Photography

Use of Focal Lock-Focus and Recompose

Basics of Wildlife Photography

Practical Assignment-III


Banks of River Mohana at Nepal border

MasankhambTharu tribal Village

Dudhwa Range

Camp Fire

Introduction to trees of dudhwa

Assignment- Macro Photography

Capturing photos of Tharu tribal huts

Assignment- Wildlife and Bird Photography

4 Master Photography Using telephoto, primary or wide angle lens

Changing camera lens in quickly

High speed photography using burst mode

Practical Assignment-IV


Boat Safari at KaterniaghatCamp Fire
Capturing rare gangetic dolphins and Ghariyals
Assignment- wetlands and Wildlife Photography
5 Expert Photographer RAW/JPEG

Basics of Post-Production

DSLR/Mirrorless/Point & shoot


Closing ceremony
